Arriving to RAR by plane felt like arriving to a party at which we were part of a group of honored guests. We landed at sunrise, stepped onto the tarmac and into the small airport ready to deal with the normally tedious task of going through customs. But, there with his voice and a ukulele,… Continue reading Rarotonga’s “Welcoming Committee” Jake Numanga
Where the Hell is Rarotonga?!
We’re leaving tomorrow morning for a place that I confess I knew nothing about two weeks ago. Francisco and I had spent nights, and I mean nights, on dueling computers trying to find a flight we were willing to pay for…to anywhere warm. We usually travel for much longer than two weeks at a time,… Continue reading Where the Hell is Rarotonga?!
3 Treats in The Mission, San Francisco with The Flying Pinto
My pal Sara Keagle, The Flying Pinto, and I have shared a lot of travel and adventure firsts. Shortly after her 18th birthday, we jumped into my car and drove 5 hours from Plymouth, Massachusetts to Montreal so we could legally drink. We made the mistake of buying our first round within two minutes of… Continue reading 3 Treats in The Mission, San Francisco with The Flying Pinto
Eco Your Aunt Flo(w)- This One’s for the Ladies
I can’t tell you how many times while traveling, I’m surprised by the inability to find tampons. I’m there, in some fantastic tropical locale, trying to enjoy some beach time and “Aunt Flo(w) pays a visit”. I stop into the local convenience, grocery, market, pharmacy, peruse the isles and finally hit the area where such… Continue reading Eco Your Aunt Flo(w)- This One’s for the Ladies
Anniversary of our Motorcycle Accident in Thailand
Eight years ago today, on July 24, 2002, we had a motorcycle accident in Mae Hong Son, Thailand. I know, what a travel cliché! While I wish we didn’t have to join those ranks, it gave us a window onto the place we had chosen to do our research, and the people with whom we… Continue reading Anniversary of our Motorcycle Accident in Thailand
Big Plans in the Works
We’re making plans, big plans, for an unlike-any-other adventure…at least for us! We’re not ready to spill all the beans just yet, but suffice it to say it involves passports not bassinets. As crazy as this may make me sound, I’ve grown up with the feeling that I’ve had my older self- the old lady… Continue reading Big Plans in the Works